Our Programs
When it comes to the heart of the matter, what do you really want for your child? At Baldwinsville Christian Academy, Christian families have come together to provide an excellent and broad Christian educational program. The children educated by BCA are encouraged to grow and mature into perceptive and caring Christians, obedient to God. With over 40 years of history (founded 1972), we are pleased to offer a full academic program from Pre-K through 12th grade.
We are able to offer extensive curricular and extracurricular activities where our students can discover and develop their God-given gifts in academics as well as in music, drama, art, athletics and more! Our alumni are serving the Lord locally and throughout the world in a wide variety of vocations. Our desire is your children have an impact in the world and that they glorify God. You in combination with our faculty and staff can help achieve this mission. Our educational basis is a distinctly Biblical perspective of teaching in all subjects, at all grade levels. Each teacher is a Christian committed to the goals of Christian education.
Parents at Baldwinsville Christian Academy are supportive of their school, encouraging their children, and working hand-in-hand with the staff. We are grateful for a volunteer base that extends across generations. Our local churches that are represented in the school are a constant source of support and blessing, completing the home, school, church connection.
Nurturing Hearts
Education at BCA is more than classrooms, science labs, art rooms, and gymnasiums. It is also the playgrounds and athletic fields, service trips and Bible studies, and music rehearsals; it is the relationships built between teachers and students, friends and colleagues, coaches, and athletes.
Transforming the World for Jesus Christ
BCA offers an education that is more than a standard curriculum with Bible classes and prayer added in. We at BCA believe faith cannot be separated from learning. We believe that learning about God and the Bible are the cornerstone for all educational intent and actions. Our students learn their Creator’s direction on how to think and we assist in leading them to being discerning adults.