Do your graduates go on to the college of their choice?
Graduates of Baldwinsville Christian Academy have been accepted into both secular and Christian colleges and universities across the nation. Last year, 100% of our graduates were college bound to the college of their choice and over half of the class had a 94% or higher.
What are school hours?
School hours are 7:50-2:50pm Monday-Friday. Doors open at 7:30am for early stay. We ask parents that are picking up students to come after busses have left the parking lot at 3:00pm.
What is the average class size?
While each class may vary, our goal remains to offer a student to teacher ratio that fosters students’ success. Our average ratio is 12:1.
Do you offer a hot lunch program?
We offer a menu of cold and hot lunch food items every day. Pizza day is every week. The Senior Class will offer specials throughout the year.
Are you an accredited school?
Baldwinsville Christian Academy is a member of the Association of Christian Schools International. This world-wide organization strives to help Christian schools maintain high academic and spiritual standards. The member schools, as a group, consistently score higher than the national average on standardized tests. We are in a five-year process to become an accredited ACSI school. ACSI accreditation is recognized by state, national and international levels. ACSI also works with AdvanceEd (North Central Association) and Middle States Association’s accreditations.
Can my student get bussing to BCA?
BCA has students from over 12 districts in the greater Syracuse area. New York state public school busing is available to students who live within 15 miles of BCA. If you are outside that limit, please speak with your bus garage to see if they are willing to work with you.

Is the campus secure?
Yes, our students’ security is of the utmost importance. All of our employees are familiar with our Emergency Response Plan which covers natural and human-created disasters. Our building remains locked throughout the school day. During the school day there is only one way to enter campus, and it is video monitored. We conduct periodic safety exercises on campus including fire and lockdown drills.
Do you have an athletic program?
Baldwinsville Christian Academy is a member of the Empire State Christian Athletic League. We offer girls and boys soccer, basketball and volleyball for grades 6-12.
Is there a Student Code of Conduct?
Our goal in discipline is to train children to follow Christian principles not only in school, but for the rest of their lives. In keeping with this principle, BCA has a system of discipline that allows us to give positive feedback to students.
Is there a student Dress Code?
BCA does not require uniforms but does adhere to a dress code for all grades. All students are required to dress neatly and modestly, as is appropriate for the particular occasion and in a manner that is not disruptive to the learning environment. Behavioral issues are handled graciously from a Biblical prospective.
Do you offer Achievement/College
Entrance Testing?
BCA administers annual Terra Nova tests K-12 in association with ACSI (who in turn is in association with public and other Christian schools). Also administered annually is the ACT Aspire to grade 10 and PSAT to grade 11. SAT and ACT are administered through your local school district. All graduating seniors are counseled to take either the SAT or ACT to meet college entrance requirements and are guided through the college application process.
How do you address the variety of academic strengths and challenges of individual students?
Our school believes Christ has created each child uniquely and our teachers utilize a variety of teaching strategies to engage students and maximize their learning styles and support their learning needs. Our small class sizes allow teachers to know when a student is ready for a challenge and how to provide support when needed. We work with the Baldwinsville School District to supply any additional IEP help as needed.
Each year, various awards are granted to students who have fulfilled the standards and requirements set down for academic recognition. We encourage all students to participate in Christian service and to present a Christian testimony in all areas of their lives.
At this time, we do not offer Advanced Placement courses. However, becuase of the rigorous academic strength of our program, we have had dozens of alumni test out of college level courses for full college credit towards their degrees.
What opportunities, beyond the classroom, does BCA offer for students?
In addition to athletics and fine arts opportunities, we offer a number of additional opportunities for primary, middle and secondary school students including service projects, special activities, field trips, and retreats.